Sunday, 23 November 2014

Stogi Beach

I wanted to write about something else today, but as usual it didn't work out. Don't get me wrong. I planned to write about Stogi Beach as well, but not today. Actually I want to write about every beach that you can go to in TriCity, because despite them being so close to one another they tend to differ.

Stogi Beach is one of my favorite beaches in TriCity. It is set a little bit of the side, and since there is a port and Vistula river, it is one of two beaches that aren't connected with the others.

So, why is this one of my favourite beaches? It's pretty simple. Since it's not linked to other beaches and is not located in the touristy part of the city it tends to be less crowded. However during hot summer day it still be a struggle to find nice quiet spot.

Although, if you decide to go relax on weekday you might experience some noise coming from nearby port. But for me it adds to experience, and surely I prefer that to screaming kids and loud disco music.

Also the sand here seems to be more soft and white. It's funny that sand at every beach in Tricity is a little bit different, even though they are so close to one another.

Between the beach and entrance area where all bars and restaurants are located is something that is called "Coastal Strip", this part off limits, as it's an area protected by law where the wild life, especially plants, is left to be. So be wary as you can get fine when caught strolling there.

There is one more thing that differentiates Stogi Beach from the others. It is the distance from the Stogi district (populated area). Other beaches are located about 5 minutes walk from busy city streets, some are even closer. To get to Stogi Beach you must prepare yourself for a walk of around 30 minutes through wooded area. However if you are eager to get to the beach as soon as possible, you can hop in tram, or a car to get there. Both of the transportation options would guarantee you travel time of no more than 5 minutes.

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