Sunday, 1 March 2015

Go Bunkers :)

pozostalosci baterii fortyfikacja gdanska  polska
Remains of battery

This time I decided to go see bunkers. I decided to go after I read an article on local website that urged to go see the bunkers, because they will be demolished soon. I felt the time urged so I decided to go see the bunkers on the weekend. I also got exited because I didn't know there were so many of them. Well, I knew there were few bunkers around Westerplatte and I knew there are bunkers all around TriCity, but I always thought of them as bomb shelters.

stanowisko ogniowe 25 Baterii Artylerii Stałej gdansk polska
25 firing position Permanent Artillery Battery, and the ship.

The day was lovely, sun came out and it was so inviting to go and do stuff outside. Unfortunately when I got around the sun disappeared. As I was preparing for the short trip I begin worrying: what if I don't find the bunkers? what if I get arrested? what if they are already demolished? what if is dangerous there? I read in the article that the bunkers are located in the port area that is under surveillance of Port Guards. Since that area is considered "the border" trespassing isn't allowed.

zamaskowany bunkier gdansk polska
Camouflaged bunker

As always I was accompanied by somebody, who wasn't the least thrilled to tag along :) As we were driving I was wondering if we are going the right way, but as we got of the main road there wasn't much choice of direction except straight forward :) When we drove of the wooded area I got surprised by a humongous ship, that seemed to come out of nowhere, then I noticed the bunkers :)

stanowisko ogniowe 25 Baterii Artylerii Stałej wejscie polska gdansk
25 firing position Permanent Artillery Battery entrance

Since the port is expanding and a new terminal will be build on the ground were the bunkers are, the preparations have begun, therefore all the trees were cut (most of the fortification bunkers are hidden in the forest that surround the beaches).

Zapasowy punkt kierowania ogniem BAS 25 gdansk polska trojmiasto
Replacement fire control point BAS 25.

I seems that the fortifications come from after II WW, when it was decided that it was necessary to rebuild Gdansk coast defence, but haven't been looked after since the '70. However I looks like these bunkers aren't the first ones build in the area and fortifications were built there before I WW.

Pozostałości bunkrów w rejonie zatoki Gdańskiej polska gdansk trojmiasto
Remains of bunkers in Gdansk bay area

It is sad that part of the history is being destroyed, but in defence of that I say that the fortifications are in poor shape, also they never actually were used in defence. Also I have learnt that there is something called Coastal Fortifications Trail. It is best to follow the trail by bike, since it is quite a distance. I hope I will conquer it when spring comes :)

szlak fortyfikacji nadmorskiej gdansk polska trojmiasto
Coastal Fortifications Trail; source:


  1. Może nie powinny one zostać zniszczone, może powinny być zabezpieczone i odnowione dla pokazania interesującym się taką tematyką ludzi. Pozdrawiam.

    1. Niestety ta kwestia jest juz przesadzona. Jednak dla pocieszenia powiem, ze nie wszystkie bunkry zostana zburzone, wiec troche zostanie do ogladania :) Pozdrawiam
