The Teutonic Knights Castle of Gdansk Panorama |
So I got inspired by one post of my new friends of
Gdańsk, Danzig, Gdansk, Freie Stadt Danzig. So inspired that I immediately wanted act on my inspiration. You can certainly guess that the post was about Teutonic Knights castle of Gdansk.
"Swan Tower" post Teutonic |
Wow, I thought, Gdansk finally is going to be one of the cities that have castles. I mean, nowadays cities can get anything: skyscrapers, shopping malls, even lakes,but not castles. Like the old medieval ones. I am sure you understand how exiting it was, Gdansk would advance in city ranks for sure.
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Fortification Wall, Gdansk |
The good news is that not all cities of the world had Teutonic Knights castle within the city limits. The bad news is that all that is left of Teutonic Knights castle is a tower and a little wall. I say, better this than nothing :)
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Mighty Teutonic Tower :) |
The history of Teutonic Knights Castle is quite rich and starts in X century, with wooden castle which didn't belong to Teutonic Knights at all. Well, calling it castle is a little of overstatement. It was more like a fortified manor house. In XII century, as a celebration of Pomerelia joining Poland, two brick structures where added: a church and a tower (that beside serving defence purposes, was also used by prince and his family as their private quarters when they came to visit).
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This isn't Teutonic wall, but we can pretend it is:) right? |
So, how the Teutonic Knights did take over the castle? In 1308 Gdansk was attacked by Brandenburg Margraves and since Gdansk couldn't fight them off, they hired help: the Teutonic Knights.
Panorama of former grounds of the Teutonic Knights Castle in Gdansk |
The Teutonic Knights did fight the other army off, but they didn't leave. Instead they took over the castle, and started adding buildings and fortifications. When they finished the upper castle consisted of: infirmary, kitchen with chamber, the commander chamber, bath house, cellar, armory, dormitories, church with library, chapter house, refectory, and a bakery.
Supposed map of the castle grouds, source: zamki.pl |
The word consisted of: woodshed, granaries, grindery, cloakroom attendant storerooms, forge, workshops, stables. All of it was of course surrounded by curtain, donjon, towers. They were fully equipped too. From registry we know they stored, among others, crossbows, bolts, bombard, saltpeter and of course helmets and other armour and weapons.
Supposed view of the castle, source: altiok.blox.pl |
Not only did they have the "state of the art" castle. The fact of Gdansk being the hub of transport and trade, made this Teutonic Knights Castle one of the richest and most influential.
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The Teutonic Knights actual wall, Gdansk |
The rule of Teutonic Knights in Gdansk came to an end in XV century. The clever people of Gdansk then proceeded to demolish some of the fortification, and then rebuilding it back (like the only tower that still remains to this day).
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The tower, view from the other side |
Unfortunately nobody knows how the castle really looked like. The only painting that portraying the castle was destroyed in WWII. Thanks a lot!
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The Teutonic Tower up close |
There you have it, the one and only mysterious castle that, well still exists within the city. The most obvious is the tower, and piece of curtain. I read that some pieces of fortification are still embedded in walls of nearby restaurant, and also remember that hotel by the tower is build on foundations of the castle.
Przykro, że została tylko piękna wieża. Może z czasem coś zostanie jeszcze odkryte i z czasem będzie więcej wiadomo o zamku. Pozdrawiam.
ReplyDeleteJa się ciesze, że był :) Choć fajnie by było gdyby były jakieś informacje na temat tego jak wyglądał. Do tego czasu pozostaje wyobraźnia :)